U.S. SOF operators take great pride in being on time and on target more than any other military echelon in the world. But if they can’t swiftly gain access to targets the mission is over before it has the chance to fully begin. Breaching is not just a nug wielding hammers and boom at the first door they find, it is an art that requires creative thinking and an intimate knowledge of the target. It’s training to spot the not so obvious before your enemy spots you. Gaining access to a ship through two feet of steel or a compound made of three foot thick explosive absorbing earthen walls takes research and tenacious study. Or maybe the mission requires a quieter approach by defeating the security mechanisms already in place as silently as possible. Breaching is often overlooked in the work-up process and mostly gets sprinkled in where assaults are necessary, which is a deadly game to play when using pounds of explosives. Historically it’s been up to the men who have a knack for the craft to ensure they’re ready when the fist in the night pounds the helmet out front.
Our licensed and insured construction teams can build anything the operator imagines. Customized targets designed to the exact spec of current conflict zones with multiple walls of multiple materials, ceilings of rebar reinforced concrete or iron doors with timber facades, robotic cars for real-world live explosive vehicle interdictions. Targets that require all the tools -torching, explosives, chain and quickie saws, hoolies and sledges, picks and magnets- our staff can create any scope of need to train you to mission success. When you turn steel on one of our targets, it’s as real as it gets.